Monday, April 26, 2010

Bethany, blogging? Not likely.

Blogging. Am I really jumping on this bandwagon. Oh jeez, what am I getting myself into here? Before any of you get too excited, I want you to know that I have nothing, and I mean NOTHING to blog about. I know my life seems super glamorous but sadly, it is not. But I figure I might as well give it a shot, right?

It's that time of the year, Spring Fever has fully set in and I'm getting downright antsy. This week is finals week, two down two to go. Then sweet, sweet, summer freedom. Until June 24th. Which happens to be a very important day for more than one reason.

Reason #1
I start a summer class, Math 1010 please be kinder to me than you were before
Reason #2
A young man named BJ comes home from his mission.

For those of you who don't know about this young man... Well, he's my "kind of missionary," he has been serving a mission for our church for the past two years. Fortunately for him, he got me as a pen-pal. Now, the situation with dear ol' BJ is an interesting one. We met each other working at Target in high school and I have always thought he was a stud and extremely attractive. Well, luckily for me (and him, right?) we became fairly good friends when I was a junior and then we kind of drifted apart because he quit Target after his graduation (mind you, BJ is a year older than me).

During my senior year, a few months before he was set to leave on his mission BJ sent me a text. One stating that he was coming back to Target to work before his mission (cue the butterflies). Sure enough, a week or so later, there he was. On my Target turf, and I turned into a blushing buffoon. Oh the things a cute boy does to a girl. Our relationship/friendship picked up right where we had left it. We started texting through the entire day and started hanging out with each other. He was even a gentleman and took me on a few dates, but for the most part we hung out, watched movies and just talked. It was obvious to both of us, as well as anyone who saw us together, that we liked each other, but neither of us had the guts to do anything about it. Finally, BJ did something about the situation and stepped up, unfortunately, it was two weeks before he was to report to the MTC. Quite honestly, nothing happened, but he did suggest we date when he got home.

So that brings us to today, BJ gets home in two months, and I have no idea what to expect. My stomach is a knot of nerves and my head is full of questions. This dating idea seemed just fine and dandy to me when it was suggested, but now, I'm freaking out. The worst part about is I won't know what's going to happen until it happens. Oh the agony.

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